All our products are licensed for life.


We are looking for yours among the
4,196,958,468 leaked passwords.

PassSafe password leak, email breach checker!
It is very easy to find out that someone has
stolen your account information with PassSafe !

Write your email down below, press check now and it's done, simple isn't it ?

  • Get a private and secure report sent to your email.
  • See if your email have been compromised.
  • So far, we've detected 4.196.958.468 stolen passwords.

How does PassSafe work?

  • A website you use is hacked or
    your passwords are stolen by a virus.

  • Your password details are
    leaked online.

  • We find it so you can change
    your passwords.


In today's world, many of us use our email addresses for various online activities. Sometimes, websites get hacked, and the hackers steal email addresses and other personal information. This is called a "data breach." It's important to know if your email address has been involved in a data breach to protect yourself. PassSafe helps you check if your email address has been leaked in a data breach.

Protect Your Information: If your email is in a data breach, your personal information could be at risk. Knowing about it helps you take action to secure your accounts.
Prevent Identity Theft: Hackers can use your stolen information to pretend to be you. This is called identity theft. Checking for breaches helps you stop this from happening.
Stay Safe Online: Knowing if your email is in a breach helps you change your passwords and keep your accounts secure.

  • Team has almost 10 year experience in this field.
  • Unlike other services we do provide extensive and updated information monitoring even small leaks on forgotten realms of the internet while popular services only provide you old informations over and over.
  • We are regularly updating our database with new leaks while other services waiting that informations becoming popular topic by media.
  • You would be amazing if you actually can understand how small part of leaks actually being announced by companies or how many of these leaks not even becoming issue by media.
  • We are not here to gain tons of money(probably it will only cover our expenses) but via our blog we will show you how big actual data leaks are.
  • We are planning making bigger OSINT projects and linked to PassSafe in near future, you will become part of something really good.
  • Once you subscribe, you will get access to all PassSafe updates forever.
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